Phone: 734-997-1218


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor's in French with Elementary Education CertificationMaster's in Elementary EducationMaster's in Elementary Reading and Literacy

Mrs. Duman

Hi, My name is Jen Duman and I am so happy to teach First Grade at Pittsfield this year!  I have taught at Pittsfield for 20+ years, so Pittsfield has become my home away from home :)  I started teaching in a multi-age 1/2/3 classroom at Pittsfield and since then have taught a variety of grades and combinations K-3.  Most of my time has been focused in kindergarten and first grades.  I am a lighthouse teacher at Pittsfield, which means that I have been trained in and use blended learning to use online tools and strategies throughout our school day.  

I live in the area with my husband, Bob, my two daughters, McKenna and Savannah, and my dog Ringo.  My daughter Savannah goes to Pittsfield, and is in Fifth Grade this year.  McKenna is in seventh grade at Scarlett this year.

I am so excited to work with your children, and look forward to a fun-filled year!