When students are absent from school, parents/guardians must call the office by 8:00 a.m. If, by chance, a recording is reached upon calling, leave his/her name, your name, the date and time and reason for the absence. If your child is out for longer than two consecutive days, you have the option of calling us to request homework assignments. Please allow 24 hours to procure the desired homework.   Absences should be reported to 734.997.1237.

    A student’s enrollment will be reviewed if he (she) accumulates more than 10 absences during the year. The review is to determine whether the day or evening program is appropriate for the student; it is at the 10th absence where a change of programming may occur.

    If an official doctor’s note is provided, then the student’s days of absence is excused by the school.


    Any student accumulating 15 tardies to school (arriving after the first bell) will experience a review of his (her) programming. Both day and evening programs accommodate particular life circumstances and students may be directed to the one addressing his (her) most immediate need. We expect our students to be on time to school and all classes. Instruction and learning begin when class starts. Pathways teachers provide engaging high interest classroom opportunities. Students need to be on time to benefit from these experiences and to meet their personal goals.