• The Enrichment Program at Angell provides extensions of the curriculum for all of our students, 幼儿园至五年级. The 美国专利商标局 supported program includes field trips to places in our community, bringing outside resources into our school, and providing materials and ideas for teacher-led extensions within the classrooms. 




    Listed below is an overview of the activities that were provided to students this year through the 天使浓缩 Program.


    Scientific Drawing - Through a grant from the AAPSEF and funds from the 天使浓缩 Program, we provided 5 hours of drawing instruction to all 3rd, 4th, 五年级学生. This was in addition to the art instruction provided by the district.

    University of Michigan Museum of Art - Eleven classes visited UMMA for docent-led tours. Tour themes included Shape Up, Cooperation Central, My Community, Light it up!, History Mysteries, and Regions of the United States. 6年级成绩

    Toledo Museum of Art - Three classes visited TMA for docent-led tours. Themes were Molton Magic, which included a glass-blowing demonstration, and Dragon Hunt. 等级3 - 4

    Detroit Institute of Art - Two classes visited the DIA for self-guided tours. of the permanent collection with special emphasis on the Diego Rivera Detroit Industry mural. 等级4 - 5

    University of Michigan Exhibit Museum of Natural History - One class visited the museum to sketch birds. 三年级



    Ann Arbor Symphony Orchestra - Eight classes attended the AASO Youth Concert, Red, White, & 长笛. 等级2 - 5

    Ann Arbor Symphony Brass Quintet 6年级成绩


    University Musical Society - Ten classes attended performance by Jake Shimabukuro and stayed after the concert for a Q and A with the ukulele artist.

    1 - 5年级



    查尔斯H. Wright Museum of African American History - Fifth graders went on docent-led tour of the permanent exhibits. 五年级

    Wasems Apple Orchard - Kindergarten classes toured the orchard and cider-making facility to learn about how about a food that is grown locally. Farm to School - Local farmers talked about food production on the farm and brought fresh produce into the classrooms for students to taste. K及2年级

    Waterloo Farm and Dewey School Museums - Students toured the historic farm and school and take part in interactive activities. 三年级

    切尔西米林公司. - Students toured factory to learning how Jiffy Mixes are produced. 2级

    Native American Experience - 加里 Ghareeb shared artifacts and information with students about Native Americans who lived in the Great Lakes area. 三年级

    Mystery Class - Students took part in a 10 week quest, using length of day and geography clues provided on-line to determine the location of 10 mystery sites. 三年级及四年级


    LANGUAGE 艺术S Angell School Newspaper - Fifth grade newspaper group produced four issues of The Angell Eagle Press which was distributed to all Angell students.



    Healthy Hearts - Students learn how the heart works and the importance of developing healthy lifestyle habits at an interactive workshop at the Michigan Heart and Vascular Institute. 五年级

    Matthaei Botanical Gardens - Students went on a docent-led tour of the conservatory and trails. 1级

    University of Michigan Exhibit Museum of Natural History - First grade students took part in Wild Weather Extravaganza, stations around the museum to explore weather concepts. 1级

    Ann Arbor Hands-On Museum Outreach Program - Students took part in hands-on Sound and Force & 运动研讨会. 一年级及二年级

    Leslie Science and Nature Center Outreach Program - Students took part in handson experiences with animals. Topics included In Cold Blood, Nature’s 矩形yclers, and Hunters of the Sky. 等级2 - 4

    UM TIES Energy/Environment tour at Dana Building - Students took part in tour and workshops about the sustainability and environmentally responsible behavior. 五年级

    Water Testing - Students traveled to Island Park to do various tests on Huron River water with Huron Watershed Council volunteers. 4级

    UM Society of Women Engineers Outreach - UM women engineering students did science experiments with younger students to demonstrate what engineers do. 成绩K-2


    - Small interest groups met during lunch period and during the school day to learn programming using 乐高机器人 EV3 robotics set.

