AAPS 6月11日更新

  • 美高梅博彩


    We have come a long way over these 456 days on this COVID journey together since March 13, 2020. 今天我们结束了20-21学年, 我知道我们在联系中继续共同关注, 关心和支持我们的学生, 彼此和我们的社区, 就像我们在这段时间里所做的那样. 

    我们在前进, 重点支持我们的学生, and look ahead to a strong 2021-22 back-to-school time; important information about next year follows in this message. 

    开学第一天,我们都很兴奋 星期一,2021年8月30日, and the opening of our 美高梅博彩 for full school operations, 每周五天, 在所有校区的所有年级. 


    我们正在分享 daily 学校日钟时间表和2021-22学年日历 这样每个人在计划返校时都有了这些信息.


    在美高梅博彩, 我们致力于通过Rec提供课前和课后课程 & Ed关注学生的幸福、充实和乐趣. 

    我们很高兴与大家分享2021-22年度的预算 & Ed is adding before and after-school programming that builds on past successes, 包括新的程序,如 Let’s Play!, 哪个是在2020年秋季开发的免费程序, 以及长期存在的课后补习班和节目. 

    考虑到工薪家庭的需求,Rec & Ed hopes to offer some extended time and day programming at all elementary and K8 buildings, beginning with a priority for programming in schools that experience the greatest impact of poverty. These next steps include offering opportunities for the critical after-school hours; specific locations and details remain dependent on several factors, 包括人员配备和秋季COVID-19指导. 

    As these before and after-school program plans develop over the coming weeks, 随着课程开放注册, information will be shared directly with parents and school communities via email and posted on the AAPS and Rec & Ed websites. 

    We will continue to prioritize the work to staff and coordinate before and after-school programs through this summer. 因为我们能够确认学校课程的细节, 届时我们将与家长沟通.


    To reserve your seat in the AAPS for the 21-22 school year and so that we may prepare for our full return in the fall, 请填写您收到的注册表 透过电邮 noreplyregistration@powerschool.com 如果你还没有这样做. 


    We appreciate and value your input and feedback as we prepare for the next school year. We continue to have spring surveys open and commit to using and sharing your thoughts to inform our work moving forward. 

    ThoughtExchange K12 Insight 20-21调查


    We will continue the spring series of AAPS Community Engagement sessions with the 负责人 on 6月17日,星期四,下午6点. Those who attend will be able to ask questions during the meeting and receive responses. 录制的会话链接在a2schools共享.org so that the session may be viewed at any time on-demand following the session. 


    We offer our congratulations to the more than 1,450 members of the AAPS Class of 2021. These impressive graduates join a long tradition of educational excellence of more than 100 years of graduates in the 美高梅博彩. 您可以了解更多美高梅博彩2021年AAPS启动的信息 here. We share our very best wishes for the Class of 2021 and their next steps following graduation.

    Wrapping Up & 前进

    We acknowledge the outstanding efforts of our teachers and staff as they have worked valiantly to connect and serve our students and families despite the many added challenges of learning together while physically apart. We are grateful to our parents and community members who have risen in remarkable ways to support students, 员工和家属在这历史性的时刻.

    作为我们的学生, 教职工和家长们结束了这一学年, I offer my sincere appreciation for your strong partnership and support of our students, 员工和学校——以及彼此之间——通过这一年.  

    在此期间, 我们明白了, 更甚于以往, 我们的教室和学校不仅仅是有形的建筑. Each of us serves a key and critical role in ensuring the AAPS is about caring, 联系和社区, 共同优质学习, 克服挑战, 分享同情和关怀. 

    We honor and celebrate each and every student as they wrap up this school year today; we pull together, 我们生存并茁壮成长, 我们将迎来激动人心的2021-2022学年. 现在是时候将我们的愿景提升到我们共同发展的下一个篇章, successful future in serving the students of the 美高梅博彩 community.  


    Jeanice K. Swift


  • 2020-21学年的课程包括:

    • A2课堂连接(PK-12) -与优质的AAPS教师和员工一起提供课堂学习机会, 课程和项目, 连接到学生目前就读的AAPS学校, 这是从虚拟开始的. 什么时候是安全的, students will transition first to a hybrid schedule (some days virtual and some days in-person) and then potentially to full, 面对面的学习. 在本学年的任何时候, 学生可以虚拟地访问“教室连接”教室.
    • A2学生网(PK-12) -与优质的AAPS教师和员工一起提供课堂学习机会, 课程和项目 where students are a member of a virtual classroom linked to the student’s current AAPS school. Students enrolled in a Student Link classroom intend to remain fully virtual through at least the fall semester. 
    • A2虚拟(Y5/K-12) -自我调节, independent learning opportunity with regular connection to quality AAPS teachers where students complete their work in an independent setting; students complete coursework at their own pace, 接收优质教师反馈, 根据需要提供指导和帮助.


    During the time of virtual learning and continuing throughout the 2020-21 school year, AAPS students with the greatest needs will be provided additional connections and wrap-around support in small group settings to ensure real-time student and family services are delivered. This network of small learning groups will support students in accessing their AAPS virtual learning classroom, and will occur virtually and/or in-person at in-neighborhood community locations, 由社区合作伙伴和AAPS工作人员组成, 采用健康和远离社交的方式. Details will be dependent on COVID infection circumstances as we move through the 2020-21 school year.


    Supports and specialized services will be delivered to meet the learning needs of students, including special education needs detailed in an Individual Education Plan, 英语学习者的其他学习需求. 这包括提供服务, 尽最大可能, 由专业和高素质的工作人员提供服务.

    Accelerated & 丰富学习机会 

    Accelerated learning groups and classes are available for students including advanced placement, 大学双招生和社区资源班. AAPS将继续提供广泛的世界语言, 视觉及表演艺术, STEAM and 项目领导 以及环境教育课程.

    星期三和星期六, AAPS PK-8学生可以选择各种各样的娱乐机会, 包括虚拟和面对面的课程, 休闲体育, 瑜伽和健身, 创意丰富-艺术, dance, and more. 访问aareced.Com获取更多信息。.

    Daily Social-Emotional and Mental Health Connections and Support for Every Student

    持续到2020-21学年, all AAPS students will be situated and meet regularly in connection groups (previously known by several names across AAPS schools as Advisory, Forum, SkyTime, etc.).  这些群体建立联系, develop relationships and ensure social-emotional daily check-ins and supports are in place throughout the year.